A Portal for Biblical Literacy Promoting Relational depth for Kingdom breadth.
Seven Biblical Lenses
These seven biblical lenses are designed to help summarize God’s word and work from Genesis to Revelation with and eye toward distinguishing between events that are past versus events that are still future.
But remember, the point is not primarily about knowing events but about pursuing relational depth with God so we can incarnate His love to others!
The Parashah Project is a Jesus-centered, bite-sized Bible study and teaching tool built in weekly installments that corresponds to the ancient Jewish reading cycle, or lectionary. I wrote this devotional commentary to help you experience the scriptures holistically, accessibly, and in unison with the global Jewish community.
hebrew treasure
My friend Steve Allen wrote this devotional and asked me to develop this resource to help dig deeper into the rich reservoir of truth and revelation of Psalm 119 through the lens of the original Hebrew.