Promoting Disability Engagement Across the Globe through Maranatha Partnerships.


God's heart and purpose for people with Disability

In all places, there are people impacted by disability. Ministering to and with them is to grow and share God’s heart for all people. But in global frontier missions, ministry to people with disability is the most effective way to gain access into communities that have not been reached by the gospel.

How we intersect discipleship and disability in the West will inevitably shape how we engage disability on the frontiers of global missions. For this reason, We seeks to cultivate a discourse on methodology, theology, scholarship, and disciple-making between the East and the West, with special emphasis on the power of engaging people impacted by disability.

We need a relationally-driven missions movement fueled by worship and prayer to stoke the flames of hope for the Messiah’s return.
— Thomas Boehm

Donations are tax-deductible and invested in building international partnerships focused on disability ministry fueling a Maranatha mandate.
