105. Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path.

106. I have sworn an oath and confirmed it,
to keep your righteous rules.

107. I am severely afflicted;
give me life, O Lord, according to your word!

108. Accept my freewill offerings of praise, O Lord,
and teach me your rules.

109. I hold my life in my hand continually,
but I do not forget your law.

110. The wicked have laid a snare for me,
but I do not stray from your precepts.

111. Your testimonies are my heritage forever,
for they are the joy of my heart.

112. I incline my heart to perform your statutes
forever, to the end.

The light of the Spirit

What do you need when you go into a dark room and cannot see? You need a source of light! A primary source of light is a lamp and the Hebrew word for lamp is nayr (נֵר). This stanza begins in verse 105 with this Hebrew word for lamp and the word begins with the letter nun (נ). Proverbs 6:23 also uses the Hebrew words for lamp and light to refer to the illuminating value of a good father’s instructions.

As a father of five children, I am very aware of my imperfections as a parent. I am grateful that our heavenly Father is perfect and His instructions as a good Father did not merely come in the form of written words but also in the form of a living Word — Messiah Jesus. He is the source of the Father’s good instruction and offers illumination as the light of the world. Jesus called himself the “light of the world” (John 8:12; 9:5) and John calls the very life of Jesus the “light of men” (John 1:4).

Not only does Jesus shine brightly in our ever darkening world, but as His followers, we shine His light as well. In fact, Proverbs 13:9 contrasts the shining light of the righteous with the snuffed out lamp (nayr) of the wicked. As those seeking to follow our Heavenly King while here on earth, let us meditate on Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 2:10-11, “The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” Paul was likely illuminating and shining for us his reflections on Proverbs 20:27, “The spirit of man is the lamp (nayr) of the LORD, searching all his innermost parts.” Let God’s Spirit search you today, Beloved, and lead you by His illuminating light deeper into the Father’s love and His good purposes for you!

Hebrew Treasure excerpt written by Thomas Boehm.
From The Psalm 119 Journey by Steve Allen, ©2022.
Used with permission.