We contend for “Relational depth for Kingdom breadth” (RD4KB) by promoting local congregation accessibility across the globe.
Paralyzed at five years old as he fled from invading forces after the death of his father and the defeat of his grandfather Saul, Mephibosheth is often an overlooked character in the Hebrew scriptures. Once royalty, he became a child of war. A refugee. And as a cripple, he became a social burden.
But Mephibosheth’s story does not end as a refugee. Years later, after the kingdom was restored to David, the new King sought out the cripple and outcast Mephibosheth. David restored to him his grandfather’s land and invited him back into the palace he was torn from as a child with the words “you shall eat at my table always.”
Faith for All is a non-profit organization working to advance the great commission through engagement with people with disabilities. We seek to follow in the footsteps of King David, enabling those with disabilities to participate in the deeper riches of kingdom community. And our vision doesn’t stop at your local church or congregation. It extends to the corners of the earth.
Join us at the Table of the King to cultivate Relational depth for Kingdom breadth!
We are piloting faith and disability convocations in local congregations to defend the centrality of accessibility and relationality in the work of discipleship.
Global partnerships
By engaging—and even prioritizing—people with disabilities, previously inaccessible global mission frontiers can be unlocked.
Sow into Faith for All
Your contributions will help further the relationally-driven work of local congregational accessibility and discipleship across the globe.